Find out more about how organisations can work with Fair Shares and how you can get involved
Fair Shares works with many organisations across the county, signing participants up and helping to integrate people into their communities. There are many benefits to organisations embracing the model of time banking as a good, proven community development tool that enhances lives and shares skills/assets and resources between those that need them.
Supporting the voluntary and community sector (VCS) can be an integral part of your corporate social responsibility policy and has huge benefits for both the organisation receiving support and local business. Involving your staff in skill sharing with the VCS can help them meet their personal development objectives and boost morale. Working on group projects can encourage and develop team work and enable your staff to use or learn new or additional skills. Employer Supported Volunteering can really make your staff feel valued by your business. Sharing your physical resources with the VCS can introduce you to new charity partners as well as saving the charity money.
Your volunteering and resource sharing through the Network will earn you time credits that you can donate to your charity partners or into the Fair Shares community pot.
Click on the heading of each partner for more information.
The Stroud Museum in the Park – Working together on reminiscence projects and the base of our dementia friendly walks in the park.
St James City Farm – Involving their volunteers in timebanking and developing the onsite allotment as a community space.
The Phoenix Centre – Borrowing the Fair Shares minibus to take their clients on day trips.
Extra Care – St Oswald’s Village
Gloucestershire Gateway Trust & Partners – We are proud to be a funded Community Partner of the Gloucestershire Gateway Trust to support our work in local communities. Visit their website to find out more about this and other funded partners in the GGT Community.